And in classic right brain dominant fashion, I need to see stuff. I can't file things away and ever expect to remember not just where they are, but that they even exist! (Unless the item involves chocolate, in which case it will, unfortunately, be continually front and center in my thoughts).
We were walking through Costco the other day when I first spotted a great shelving unit. It seemed like just the thing my craft room/work space needed. I was tired of having to crawl around on the floor to find the exact jewelry supply container I needed. And the stacking plastic drawer units I was accumulating were starting to list from excessive weight. So we loaded the heavy carton into our shopping cart, continued down the aisle, and came to a stunned stop in front of the most amazing organizing unit I had ever seen.
"Can you believe this?" I asked my husband/partner. "If I had this, I'd reach a level of organization I have never known before." Everything would be in one place, visible, accessible. And my little craft room would be less cluttered, with fewer pieces of storage necessary.
After looking it over from top to bottom, we decided to go for it. We put back the boring shelving unit and instead, lugged the big box with my new super duper organization tool home.
It took a few hours to assemble, and then the fun began. Deciding what to put where was just as much fun as emptying out all the little storage bins that cluttered my craft room. The unit is made by Whalen Storage and is called a Multi-Size Bin Rack with Wire Deck and Melamine Top (in Black Wrinkle finish), and you can read more about it here.
Check out the just opened box, and the shining end result. Organization never felt so good.
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