Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Fave Illustrator

I bought my hubby a print by this incredible artist, Joey Chou, because it reminded me so much of my beloved angel dog, Poco, mentoring our young, newly-adopted little Coyote* dog. Poco was a peaceful, angelic mature bear (actually, a Chow mix) and Whiskey was a rambunctious pup. I could see them perfectly in this painting.

Joey's so incredibly talented. Vintage-inspired, yet totally contemporary, beautiful work. Check out his website to see more.

*By the way, we don't know if Whiskey actually has any coyote in him. We adopted him at four months old from our local shelter, and everyone always thinks he may have Coyote him. Whiskey, however, prefers the term, "mountain dog."

1 comment:

  1. I should point out that my "About Me" photo in the upper left is a photo of my beloved angel, Poco.
